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The Ministry of Children and Youth Services, Youth Justice Services Division (YJSD) has been piloting the Strategy to Support Gang Involved Youth, a multi-year strategy comprised of various activities to support the rehabilitation and reintegration of youth who are gang involved, and/or at risk of gang involvement, as well as increase the capacity of youth justice staff to work with this specialized youth population.

One of the Strategy components included a provincial asset mapping of community strengths, needs, and supports available to help address complex issues related to gang involvement.

Other regional lead agency across the province included:

  • John Howard Society of Thunder Bay & District;
  • John Howard Society of Hamilton, Burlington & Area; and
  • Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa.

We are pleased to share with you the final Provincial Asset Mapping and Program Inventory Project report. While the report is reflective of a one-time gathering of information, it is a tool that can help to inform ongoing discussions at all levels regarding the service needs of this specialized youth population.

The full report can be accessed electronically in both English and French.

Strategy to Support Gang Involved Youth Reports:

If you have any questions regarding this project, please feel free to contact :

Robert Sears, Director, Client Services & Quality Improvement