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Community Outreach Program provides a variety of flexible counselling services for youth and their families who have a range of mental health needs and may have had difficulty benefiting from previous supports or counselling services.  Using a strength based, relational approach this program is designed to service youth and their families who require services within their home and/or community setting.   Youth referred to this program often struggle with depression and anxiety, can have difficulties coping at school and frequently find it difficult to participate in activities outside of their home.

Youth and family members can expect to meet with a counselor on a regular basis to develop a trusting relationship and together create a service plan that will improve engagement in activities, enhance coping and life skills, and promote wellness for improved mental health.  This program may also include other key individuals, such as parents, teachers or other significant people, for the purpose of additional support and coordination of services.

Eligibility – Youth 12-17 must reside within the city of Toronto and experience mental health issues that impact their daily functioning and may have had difficulty benefiting from previous supports or services. We accept referrals from professionals, parents/caregivers, and other agencies, as well as self-referrals from youth.

How do I access this service?

To determine if this program is suited to your needs, please contact our intake worker at 416-924-2100 x 245.